
Trocknende Naturseife

Is soap bad for the skin? The truth about using...

For centuries, soap has been used as a basic cleanser for the skin. It has the ability to remove dirt, sebum and bacteria and keep the skin clean and fresh....

Is soap bad for the skin? The truth about using...

For centuries, soap has been used as a basic cleanser for the skin. It has the ability to remove dirt, sebum and bacteria and keep the skin clean and fresh....

Seifenablage aus Holz

The perfect soap dish

Soap dishes and trays are the classics when it comes to storing soaps. They come in numerous shapes, colors and materials such as ceramic, plastic, concrete, metal, wood and enamel....

The perfect soap dish

Soap dishes and trays are the classics when it comes to storing soaps. They come in numerous shapes, colors and materials such as ceramic, plastic, concrete, metal, wood and enamel....

Rückseite der Nirvana Handseife von Aninsu mit Verbrauchersiegeln

Sense and nonsense of consumer seals

Consumer seals are ubiquitous today and are intended to help consumers make conscious and sustainable purchasing decisions. But are these seals really as meaningful as they claim to be? In...

Sense and nonsense of consumer seals

Consumer seals are ubiquitous today and are intended to help consumers make conscious and sustainable purchasing decisions. But are these seals really as meaningful as they claim to be? In...

Verschiedene Hauttypen

The different skin types at a glance

Our skin is unique and individual. Each of us has a certain skin type, which is characterised by different properties and needs. In this article we give an overview of...

The different skin types at a glance

Our skin is unique and individual. Each of us has a certain skin type, which is characterised by different properties and needs. In this article we give an overview of...

Obst, Gemüse, Nüsse und Körner

Dry skin and nutrition

Learn how your diet affects your skin health here. The skin is the largest organ in our body and plays an important role in our external appearance and well-being. When...

Dry skin and nutrition

Learn how your diet affects your skin health here. The skin is the largest organ in our body and plays an important role in our external appearance and well-being. When...

Nirvana-Seifen von Aninsu

The best soap for dry skin

Dry skin needs special attention and a suitable soap can make an important contribution to its care. However, with so many soaps on the market, it is not always easy...

The best soap for dry skin

Dry skin needs special attention and a suitable soap can make an important contribution to its care. However, with so many soaps on the market, it is not always easy...