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Are New Year's resolutions good for your well-being?

It's the same ritual every year: with the new year comes the famous New Year's resolutions. But are they really beneficial for our well-being or do they just put us under unnecessary pressure? A critical analysis.

The hype surrounding New Year's resolutions

With the turn of the year, they become omnipresent again: New Year's resolutions. The idea of starting the new year afresh and setting personal goals undoubtedly has positive connotations. But the hype surrounding New Year's resolutions also harbours pitfalls.

The pitfalls of self-optimisation

One of the biggest disadvantages of New Year's resolutions is the often excessive self-optimisation. The urge to be perfect and radically improve all areas of life can lead to excessive stress and self-criticism. Instead of enriching life, resolutions often become a source of dissatisfaction.

Why many resolutions fail

Statistics show that the majority of New Year's resolutions are not kept. This is often because the goals set are unrealistic or too vaguely formulated. The desire to achieve great things in all areas of life at the same time often leads to excessive demands and frustration.

Stress due to non-fulfilment of resolutions

The pressure to keep your resolutions can lead to considerable stress. Failure to achieve a goal is often interpreted as a personal failure, which can affect self-esteem. This turns the positive aspect of resolutions into the opposite.

How to deal with resolutions without stress

Instead of being overwhelmed by a mountain of resolutions, it is advisable to set realistic and achievable goals. Small steps often lead to more sustainable changes than radical upheavals. Focussing on the process rather than the result can reduce the pressure.

Mindfulness as an alternative to rigid resolutions

Mindfulness offers an alternative to the often rigid New Year's resolutions. Instead of focussing on external changes, it is about consciously perceiving the present moment and accepting yourself. This can lead to sustainable well-being without the stress of resolutions.

Another idea: a life bucket list

The idea of a basic life bucket list as an alternative to classic New Year's resolutions opens up a promising approach to consciously shaping not just a new year, but your whole life. Instead of focussing on short-term changes, a life bucket list focuses on long-term goals and personal dreams. This is not just about self-optimisation, but also about developing personal passions and consciously shaping your own path in life.

The bucket list, which is defined as a list of things you want to see, experience and achieve in the course of your life, offers room for a variety of aspects. These can be travel destinations, personal challenges, creative projects or even interpersonal relationships. Such a list makes it possible to clearly define one's own dreams and wishes and take concrete steps to realise them.

The life bucket list is not limited to the turn of the year, but accompanies you continuously on your journey through life. It encourages you to step outside your comfort zone and enjoy life to the full. In contrast to the often drastic and time-limited New Year's resolutions, the bucket list focuses on a sustainable, long-term approach.

Creating a life bucket list requires self-reflection and the identification of personal values and priorities. It serves not only as an incentive for personal growth, but also as a source of inspiration. With a clear list of life goals, it becomes easier to make everyday decisions that are in line with your long-term dreams. True to the motto: "If it's not still important in 5 years' time, then it's not important at all."

Conclusion: smart resolutions for greater well-being

New Year's resolutions can be beneficial for personal well-being if they are chosen wisely and implemented realistically. Instead of being driven by an excessive urge to optimise, it is important to focus on sustainable change and enjoy the process. This way, the new year can begin without undue stress and pressure. Alternatively, the idea of a life bucket list opens up a positive and sustainable perspective on personal development. It encourages you to view life as a journey filled with exciting adventures, fulfilling moments and personal growth. In this way, the pursuit of happiness and contentment becomes an ongoing process, driven not by the pressure of short-lived New Year's resolutions, but by the freedom and inspiration of one's own desires.

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