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Self-awareness: the inner strength of the individual

Self-awareness is a term that is often used but not always understood. It is more than just the ability to speak in a crowded room or hold an opinion. Deeply rooted in psychology, self-awareness refers to the competence to be aware of oneself and to have a strong connection to one's identity and beliefs.

The essence of self-awareness

It is the ability to see oneself objectively, to understand one's own strengths and weaknesses and to go through life with confidence. Self-awareness is the inner certainty about one's own identity.

Self-confidence, self-assurance & self-awareness

Terms such as self-confidence, self-assurance and self-awareness are often used interchangeably, although they actually mean very different things despite having a lot in common.


Self-confidence is the trust and trust in one's own abilities, skills and judgement. It refers to how much a person believes in themselves and is able to overcome challenges, achieve goals and deal with uncertainty. Self-confidence is a key component of emotional well-being and has a significant influence on a person's actions, decision-making and relationships. It is developed through positive experiences, self-reflection, self-acceptance and overcoming challenges. Balanced self-confidence enables people to courageously break new ground and deal constructively with different life situations.


Self-assurance refers to the degree of composure and aplomb that a person displays in social interactions and interpersonal situations. A self-assured person is able to approach others openly and authentically, communicate their opinions, needs and boundaries clearly while remaining respectful. Self-assurance not only means being able to rely on yourself, but also the ability to deal with criticism and rejection without losing your own self-esteem.

In contrast to self-confidence, which relates more to your own abilities and coping with tasks, self-assurance focuses more on the interpersonal sphere. A self-assured person often radiates balance and self-determination, which can have a positive impact on their relationships and social environment. Self-assurance can strengthen personal growth and the development of interpersonal skills through self-reflection.


Self-awareness refers to the realisation and perception of one's own personality, characteristics, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. It is about understanding yourself and your identity. Self-awareness is therefore the fundamental prerequisite for the development of many other personal traits. It is the basis for self-confidence and self-assurance and also includes emotional intelligence and the ability to self-reflect. Self-confidence is strongly linked to one's own abilities, while self-assurance relates more to behaviour in social contexts. All of these aspects are closely linked and together contribute to a positive self-image and a strong personality.

Why self-awareness is important

Authenticity: Self-aware people live authentically. They know their values and act accordingly, regardless of external expectations.

Relationships: In interpersonal relationships, self-awareness enables a deeper connection. It promotes honesty and openness.

Resilience: Self-aware people are more resilient to the storms of life. They can overcome defeats and learn from setbacks.

The challenges of self-awareness

Self-awareness is a complex facet of the human psyche that is shaped by various factors. The art of self-awareness lies not only in recognising oneself, but also in the ability to react flexibly to the various influences that shape our understanding of ourselves.

Self-criticism and self-doubt

Self-criticism is a double-edged sword. Whilst self-awareness paves the way for personal growth, an excessive focus on perceived flaws can become a destructive cycle. The ability to look at yourself objectively and learn from experience is crucial. Constructive self-criticism makes it possible to recognise and overcome weaknesses. However, when self-criticism turns into self-doubt, it can undermine self-awareness. A healthy balance between self-reflection and recognising one's own strengths is therefore crucial for positive development.

Social influences

In a world characterised by social media and constant comparison, unrealistic standards for self-awareness are often created. The constant presentation of seemingly perfect life situations can lead to pressure that many are unable to cope with. Closer surroundings or social conventions can also create pressure. Healthy self-confidence should be based on authenticity and personal growth. The path to true self-awareness requires acceptance of one's own imperfections and liberation from social expectations. Understanding this dynamic makes it possible to develop a deeper, more authentic self-awareness.

An uncertain world

With all the changes and unexpected developments facing humanity today, maintaining a strong self-awareness is a challenge. The ability to adapt to change without losing one's core self requires a deep understanding of one's own values. Self-awareness does not mean holding rigidly to fixed beliefs, but reacting flexibly to new information and experiences. The uncertainty that accompanies change can be seen as an opportunity for personal growth if you are able to shape your own self-awareness in a dynamic and adaptable way.

Develop self-awareness

Self-reflection: Scheduling time for self-reflection is crucial. This can include meditation, journaling or simply quiet moments of contemplation.

Acceptance: Accepting yourself, including your flaws and imperfections, is a key aspect of self-awareness.

Learning: A willingness to keep learning promotes healthy self-awareness. This includes accepting feedback and adapting to new insights.


Self-awareness is not a static quality, but a process. It is the path to a deeper understanding of one's own identity and the key to a fulfilled and authentic life. In a world that often seeks external validation, self-awareness reminds us that the most valuable recognition is the one we give ourselves. It is a journey that is not always easy, but the rewards extend far beyond what is recognisable at first glance.

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